A short list of talks that I gave.
I did not add the slides of the presentations because it is better to read the articles on my page "Publications".
- Diviser n'est pas régner ?
Présentation aux Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (J.G.A.) 2023, Université Lyon 1, november 2023.
Abstract : Recalls and presentations of "new" results on decompositions obtained thanks to first difference principle,
among which decompositions in almost-linear time of bounded degree graphs.
Contrary to my habit, the slides are available, because I added a few ideas in the conclusion
that are not in the article.
- On finite width questionable representations of orders.
Séminaire de l'équipe MC2 (Modèles de Calcul et Complexité) du LIP (Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme), ENS Lyon, november 2019.
Abstract of abstract: One width to rule them all.
Abstract: In this talk, I will present results on orders and other binary structures, such as graphs.
Those binary structures share the possibility to be decomposed according to the first difference principle.
I will recall results of Hausdorff and Sierpiński for total orders,
and then present structural results for partial orders that can be easily decomposed.
For these orders, I obtain some results of polynomial time complexity for isomorphism
and a partial result for counting the number of linear extensions (#P-complete).
Last but not least, I will generalize the first difference principle in a sequence
to a first difference principle in a tree,
and obtain a "width" of binary structures associated to a new kind of hierarchical decompositions.
These obtained hierarchical decompositions are strictly more powerful than tree/clique-decompositions,
since they can decompose grids and probably any graph embeddable in some fixed surface/manifold.
- Une classe d'ordres avec un algorithme de tri en temps "linéaire?".
Séminaire de l'équipe MC2 (Modèles de Calcul et Complexité) du LIP (Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme), ENS Lyon, october 2018.
Abstract: Everything is lexicographic.
- Graph covers and algebraic complexity.
Computational Complexity - Research Seminar, Saarland University, july 2008.
On the Expressive Power of Permanents and Perfect Matchings of Matrices of Bounded Pathwidth/Cliquewidth.
3rd International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2008)
Moscow, Russia, June 7–12, 2008 here.
Two pictures here and there.
- Graph covers and algebraic complexity.
Presentation made at the Workshop on Graph Decomposition: Theoretical, Algorithmic and Logical Aspects, CIRM-Marseille, april 2008.
- Couvertures de graphes et complexité algébrique.
Presentation made at the "Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2007", Paris, november 2007.
- Couvertures de graphes et complexité algébrique.
Séminaire de l'Équipe de Logique Mathématique de l'Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, november 2007.
- Partitionnement d'hypergraphes.
Presentation made at the "Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2006", Orléans, november 2006.
- Partitionnement d'hypergraphes.
MAO meeting, ENS Lyon, april 2005.